Vakratsa Mansion

The Skopelitian Mansion of the Vakratsas family is not one to be missed. Located at the center of Skopelos Chora, near the sea, it was donated by Mrs. Antigone Vakratsa to the Municipality of Skopelos and now servesas a museum.








A comprehensive collection of the family’s items and remarkable heirlooms is on display and allows you to experience Skopelos’ past. You can enrich this magical experience by participating incultural events often held at the mansion’s courtyard, with the characteristic palm tree. All the items exhibited are invaluable and, for their most part, originate from different Mediterranean and Black Sea harbors,frequently visited by the boats of the Rebakis family.




Thus, you will discover the aesthetics of another era. Furniture, traditional women’s costumes, pictures, paintings, embroideries, porcelain, and metallic objects capture and reflect in the most graphic way life in Skopelos more than 250 years ago.








The portraits and diplomas of the family are hanging on the walls, completing the picture. The photographs have immortalized important moments in the history of the island, while one of the certificates bears the signature of Kostis Palamas, one of the key figures of the Greek literary landscape and author of the Olympic Hymn. Finally, the exhibition includes medical instruments that intrigue visitors as they offer a glimpse of how provincial physicians used to conduct their duties at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century.



Daily: 11:00-15:00 and 18:00-22:00

Entrance : 3€